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Law Enforcement and Security Emergency Driver Training DVD

Law Enforcement and Security Emergency Driver Training DVD

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Price: $16.97

Product Description:

Many specialized job fields require some type of training and the field of law enforcement is no different.  However, law enforcement officers must meet specific standards and training requirements in order to

retain their status as law enforcement officers. 


A Primary Responsibility as a Police Officer: A police officer acts as an official representative of government who is required and trusted to work within the law. The officer's powers and duties are conferred by statute.

The fundamental duties of a police officer include serving the community; safeguarding lives and property; protecting the innocent; keeping the peace; and ensuring the rights of all to liberty, equality, and justice.

This training guide is to prepare you for the driver training that you will recieve at your accademy.

Remember, laws change from state to state, province to province; look up you area's

laws  and statutes towards driving and safety proceedures.




q Dedication

q Foreword

q Preface

q About The Guide

q Goals and Philosophy Statement

q Acknowledgements

q Chapter 1 – Establishing a Driver Training Process

q Chapter 2 – Emergency Vehicle Driving Curriculum Guidelines

o Module 1 – Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement Driving

§ Objective 1-2 – Identify statutory law, case law, agency policy, and principles of liability governing non-emergency driving

§ Objective 3-4 – Identify constitutional law, statutory law, and case law government the use of a vehicle as deadly force in terminating pursuits

o Module 2 – Non-Emergency Driving

§ Objective 1 – Identify the reasons for law enforcement driver training

§ Objective 2 – Identify unique characteristics of law enforcement driving§ Objective 3 – Identify the effects that attitudes and emotions have upon law enforcement driving

§ Objective 4 – Identify common psychological factors that contribute to law enforcement collisions

§ Objective 5 – Identify common physiological factors that contribute to law enforcement collisions

§ Objective 6 – Identify the components of driving that lay the foundation for the development of good driving habits

§ Objective 7 – Identify vehicle defects that contribute to law enforcement collisions

§ Objective 8 – Identify elements of an acceptable law enforcement vehicle inspection

§ Objective 9 – Identify the importance of safety belts and other occupant protection devices

§ Objective 10 – Demonstrate acceptable use of safety belts and other occupant protection devices

§ Objective 11 – Identify common environmental factors that contribute to law enforcement collisions

§ Objective 12 – Identify factors that affect handling, steering and braking to include ABS systems

§ Objective 13 – Identify factors that influence the stopping distance of a vehicle

§ Objective 14 – Identify driving movements that frequently contribute to law enforcement collisions

§ Objective 15 – Identify acceptable vehicle control methods

§ Objective 16 – Identify methods for skid avoidance

§ Objective 17 – Identify acceptable methods for use of the communications radio

§ Objective 18 – Identify factors involved in skid control

o Module 3 – Emergency Response Driving

§ Objective 1 – Identify the types and limitations of emergency warning devices on law enforcement vehicles

§ Objective 2 – Identify factors that contribute to the effective use of a police radio during an emergency response

§ Objective 3 – Identify factors in route selection for an emergency response

§ Objective 4 – Identify the changes in vehicle dynamics that occur during an emergency response

§ Objective 5 – Identify acceptable steering methods for use during an emergency response

§ Objective 6 – Identify acceptable methods of cornering during an emergency response

§ Objective 7 – Identify acceptable backing methods during an emergency response

§ Objective 8 – Identify acceptable collision avoidance methods for use during an emergency response

§ Objective 9 – Identify types of power assist steering loss and acceptable methods of minimizing potential loss of vehicle control

o Module 4 – Pursuit Driving

§ Objective 1 – Identify factors that impact on initiating a vehicle pursuit

§ Objective 2 – Identify factors involved when conducting a vehicle pursuit

§ Objective 3 – Identify factors that would warrant the pursuing officer, or supervisor, making the decision to terminate a vehicular pursuit

§ Objective 4 – Identify factors that impact on the termination of a pursuit: suspect voluntary or involuntary stopping

§ Objective 5 – Identify factors to be considered when a law enforcement vehicle is involved in the termination of a vehicular pursuit using various physical intervention techniques (roadblocks)

§ Objective 6 – Identify considerations involved in post-pursuit reporting

§ Objective 7 – Demonstrate the ability to conduct a pursuit§ Objective 8 – Identify post-litigation preparation considerations

q Chapter 3 – Emergency Vehicle Driving and Policy

q Chapter 4 – Validating a Driver Training Course

q Chapter 5 – Instructor Qualifications

q Chapter 6 – Course Facilities

q Chapter 7 – Management of Emergency Vehicle Operational Risks

q Chapter 8 – Practical Exercises

q Appendix A

q Appendix B



Last Updated: Tuesday, 22 October 2024 20:29