Art of Firefighting Skills Training Part 2 - 2 Hour DVDover 2 hours of video instruction
Product Description:Â Offering You More Firefighter Training For A Lot Less Than Anyone Online
 The National Fire Protection Association (N.F.P.A),  and we participate in and support the  Certified Fire Protection Specialist program.  Â
Every year, fires and other emergencies take thousands of lives and destroy property worth billions of dollars. Fire fighters help protect the public against these dangers by rapidly responding to a variety of emergencies. They are frequently the first emergency personnel at the scene of a traffic accident or medical emergency and may be called upon to put out a fire, treat injuries, or perform other vital functions. Fire fighters must be prepared to respond immediately to a fire or any other emergency that arises. Because fighting fires is dangerous and complex, it requires organization and teamwork.  At fires, they connect hose lines to hydrants, operate a pump to send water to high-pressure hoses, and position ladders to enable them to deliver water to the fire.  They also rescue victims, provide emergency medical attention as needed, ventilate smoke-filled areas, and attempt to salvage the contents of buildings. Their duties may change several times while the company is in action. Sometimes they remain at the site of a disaster for days at a time, rescuing trapped survivors and assisting with medical treatment.  This is probably the most comprehensive training video out there; a great training video that is ideal for group training, or Individual trainees who can easily review this at home or in the station house. This DVD is a Great addition to: The Art of Firefighting 1  This DVD is designed to provide firefighters with practice in basic firefighting skills. Utilizing Video and 3-D fire training, the firefighter will learn to perform both direct and indirect methods of attack.  Fireground safety procedures are detailed and followed throughout the session.
DID YOU KNOW More lives have been saved by properly positioned and operating handlines than any other fireground action.  Using REAL fire footage from actual fires, in my video I will discuss:  The safe and effective movement of the handline team into the fire area;  Searching for victims is a task that often places firefighters at risk, especially when searching near the seat of the fire without the protection of a charged handline.  You will learn how to plan your searches, co-ordinate them with other fireground tasks, adapt them to changing conditions, and execute them as safely as possible. You will also learn about proper communications, tactics and procedures  Firefighters should know the definition of flashover, and safety measures; they should know the warning signs of this danger heat in smoke and rollover. Also firefighters must know how to delay flashover - a room bursting into flames. And most important for firefighters' safety and survival, they must know defensive firefighting procedures  How to search and stay alive.
• Car Fires are a Common Response Faced by Every Department Â
Firefighters who fight such fires with a complacent attitude are setting themselves up for serious injuries. Be aware of the hidden dangers—from flammable liquids to exploding components to oncoming traffic—and how to protect yourself by wearing the proper equipment, employing the correct tactics, and operating with adequate resources. Check the main features and components of late-model cars and how they affect firefighting efforts, as well as what to expect with fires in older makes and models. See from actual car fires how magnesium reacts to water, what happens when the fire reaches the fuel tank, how to spot apparatus, how to approach the scene, and the best ways to open hoods and trunks. The methods for keeping the handline moving, with an emphasis on inter-company communication. Size up, know where the fire is going, and how you are going to push it out and away from any potential victims. Communication with Ventilation Teams Identify the important considerations in stretching attack handlines My DVD Video also outlines the various techniques and procedures for effectively deploying and operating the attack handline. The video also describes : the nozzle team, the role of each member of the team, the techniques for advancing the "line,"and the use of nozzles.Safety issues, teamwork on the importance communications is also addressed in my video. YOU WILL ALSO LEARN ABOUT IN MY VIDEO  BACKDRAFT & SMOKE EXPLOSION FLASHOVER & FLASH POINT ROLLOVER DEFINITIONS OF BACKDRAFT SMOKE EXPLOSION & FLASHOVER GROWTH OF A FIRE YOU WILL ALSO LEARN: TO IDENTIFY WHAT CAUSES A BACKDRAFT TO IDENTIFY WHAT CAUSES A FLASHOVER THE WARNING SIGNS OF EACH SAFETY TECHNIQUES THAT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE HOW TO SLOW OR PREVENT THE ONSET OF A FLASHOVER WHAT TO DO IF FLASHOVER DOES OCCUR  PLUS MORE  THIS DVD HAS GREAT VIDEO FOOTAGE AND DEMONSTRATIONS. |